Friday, November 10, 2006

An Ipod for my 8 Year old

My Daughter is eight she has an ipod , I somehow find that scary when I was eight I had a leather Football!

I love technology and have always been a gadget guy so I guess she comes by it honestly....She lives in a world where we pause live TV, Skip through Commercials, and can watch TV Shows at will!

When I was eight friends were starting to get cable boxes with Rotary Dials, We were still 4 years from the Launch of ESPN, And our parents were making decisions on whether to buy VHS or Betamax.......My Mom chose right, our first VCR was VHS with one of those sexy cabled remote controls!

Today my Daughter can choose from over 202 vertical inches of TV at one of 4 Locations in the house! If your family had a 19 inch tube in 1975 you were players!

I've been noticing a lot of commercials on DishNetwork, lately that allow you to push buttons on the Remote for instant ordering, and additional information, Computer Monitors and DLP, LCD'S Are Morphing into one, Storage Capacity has gone through the roof, so it's now poosible to roll around with whole movies on a handheld or smaller device......Cool Stuff

All This leads me to Wonder in 31 Years what kind of Blog will my now 8 year old be writing about her kids? Hopefully about how excited they are that they got a nice new Leather Football!

On a business note with all these great items to sell and buy don't forget to visit our site! We are in Final Beta Testing right now and should be launching the week before Thanksgiving!


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