Thursday, November 16, 2006

T Shirts for 10 names and a Promise! (First 10 Responders)

As we have done on past Blogs, We would love to send you your very own ultra cute (The Chicks dig him!) T Shirt...........

But here is the catch, In order to get the Lovable Monkey on your back, You must CC ten friends on an email you write telling them about and this very blog! include your size and your name and address and we will get the shirt right out to you!

Is this a shameless plug to spread the word about our site? You bet it is! Some call it "Guerilla" marketing, we like to call it "Monkey" marketing!

We are working very hard on the beta and the site should be up and running next week! Please do your part to help us kick off with a bang! If you run a store get in touch with us via email, we will have a representative hand hold you through the sign up and upload process!

If your an individual post all those items laying around the house and get yourself some money for the holidays!

Our advertising budget is strong, and we will include Adwords, Myspace and other Website banners, and after the holidays will launch our first XM radio commercial!

We hope to see you buying and selling with us shortly! Now send that email and get "the Monkey on your back!"


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