Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yey Fox....Good Move, But lets get onto something serious

Wow, the power of the Monkey.....Lol One day after my OJ rant its over Fox has pulled the Losers TV Show and book deal........(Side note: For those who can't see the Sarcasm we know that our 50 readers were not why the plug got pulled on this) It is nice to see that the outrage and voice of the American people can still get things done!

So now I ask for your support on something we absolutely must rally behind! Are you ready?

STARBUCKS and their coffee lid from Solo......How many stains on clothing has this brutal combination caused?

Every morning about a mile from my home I stop at Starbucks for a Venti Coffee Room for Cream (P.S. If I lived in Northern California I would go to Peet's which has a superior product and is a public company, look for it to sweep the nation soon! However I think they use a similar lid combo)
I take every precaution, I step over to the prep counter wipe down the lid in case the "Barista" got sloppy, I even take a napkin and make sure there are no drops hanging around the rim of the cup, I then add my Non Fat Milk (I like to save my Fat for my Lunch spots, In and Out, Hooters, Rubios, or any combination of greasy burgers.....Shit I wish I liked vegetables) And off I go, Usually I make it about half way to my office (About 3 miles) before the first little drop forms and cascades down onto my pants..........AAAAGGGH It got me again!

The good thing for me is I'm a slob and am usually found in nothing nicer than a pair of shorts and a T shirt or Jeans so the Coffee stain ads an element of character!

But this rant isn't for me its for the Guy and Girl who needs a high test cup of coffee but has to dress up for work........We need to rally and get this cup and lid combination redesigned.......Does this problem occur at Dunkin Donuts, The Au bon pan, Winchell's and other coffee shops across the nation?

Is it part of a sinister plot by Starbucks to Ruin clothes so that people must shop more and keep retail sales figures chugging forward (I'm sure you libs can find a way to blame the Bush Administration for this!)

If you have the solution or an idea lets hear it, And if your solution is to bring my own cup into Starbucks, like I see some people do...then save it, I have tried bringing lunch to the office, in order to eat healthier, I have tried making Coffee at home and bringing it with me, All that lasts for about 2 weeks, I like a lot of us am a creature of convenience! I will get bored with the whole washing routine etc. etc. etc.

Anyway...our site http://www.Rummagemonkey.com is launching, While lots of us might be creatures of convenience, try not to be creatures of habit and continue to stick with your current overpriced marketplace! Please give the Monkey a try, in return we offer, Reasonable (Not Free, LOL) Fees, Lots of Advertising and Marketing, and a reachable customer service department!

Happy Holidays


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